Before completing the Council Headquarters Reservation Form, first read our Girl Scout Property Agreement below. If you understand and agree to the Girl Scout Property Agreement, please click Agree at the bottom of the page to proceed to the Council Headquarters House Reservation Form. Otherwise, click Decline.
Reservations: Reserved dates are confirmed and held ONLY when Girl Scouts of Southern Nevada (GSSNV) receives full deposit and signed contract. Telephone or email reservations remain tentative and are subject to change by the group or by GSSNV. GSSNV reserves the right to cancel this contract in the event full deposit payments are not made as required, and the reserved group will consequently forfeit all payments previously made.
Reservation Commitment and Cancellation Policies: The following table is meant to help you plan your event, as well as to help you keep GSSNV staff informed of any changes to your reservation. The financial responsibility for the number reserved is known as the reservation commitment of the group. The contracted total refers to the total amount due (minus any deposit paid) as stated in the most current contract. The group leader agrees to report any change to their reservation as soon as he/she becomes aware of them, and to the following terms and potential consequences:
Rates and Accommodations: Rates quoted are for the entire contracted period. Rates include meeting space and use of some recreational and program facilities as stated in the contract. Additional charges may apply for use of any additional facilities or services. If your reservation is for an upcoming year, please note that rate changes may occur.
Payment: All deposits will be applied to the final bill. Payment is due as specified on the front of this contract. Payment may be made by cash, check, or debit card.
Group Conduct: The reserving group will provide qualified adult leadership for all group members less than 18 years of age. Groups are responsible for ensuring that adults having unsupervised contact with children have had thorough background checks completed. All group members will conduct themselves in accordance with the policies of Girl Scouts of the USA and Girl Scouts of Southern Nevada.
Safety Procedures, Supervision, First Aid Emergency Care: The group is responsible for its own supervision, first aid, and emergency care. Your group will receive a safety orientation to your facility upon arrival.
Release: In consideration of being permitted to use the GSSNV facilities, user agrees to assume all risks in connection with such use whether foreseen or unforeseen, and further agrees that neither GSSNV nor its officers, operators, agents, or staff may be held liable in any way for any occurrence not arising out of their own negligence and further releases the aforementioned GSSNV, officers, operators, agents, or staff for any harm, injury, or damage arising out of users’ use of the facilities.
Legal Costs: In the event of a breach in the terms of this agreement, the user agrees to pay reasonable attorney fees and legal costs incurred by GSSNV related to said breach.
Hold Harmless: User agrees to hold harmless and indemnify GSSNV against any claims and losses including reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs arising out of its use and occurring as a result of actions of its members or participants.
Damages: The group assumes financial responsibility for damages incurred through intentional or negligent action by any member(s) of the group. Fines or charges for the misuse or damage of property will be applied to the group’s final bill. The group agrees to pay any such fines or charges.
Insurance: Non-Girl Scout Groups and their participants must provide their own liability and accident insurance coverage. General liability coverage must be a minimum of $1,000,000. GSSNV does not provide insurance coverage or benefits for illness or injury of group members. The group agrees to provide proof of insurance. If your organization does not have its own insurance coverage, special event coverage can be found at http://www.rvnuccio.com/.
Please indicate your acceptance of these terms by selecting “Agree” below. The group leader represents that he/she is authorized to bind the group to the stated terms.