What Juniors Do | Girl Scouts of Southern Nevada

What Juniors Do

Share stories (and smiles) with new friends in her troop
Try new experiences and learn new skills as she earns badges
You can sell Girl Scout Cookies  and/or Treats & Keeps  (and have fun doing it)
Explore the outdoors at camp  and beyond
Choose an issue she cares about, then do something to make a difference as part of a Girl Scout Leadership Journey
Earn her Bronze Award,  the first of Girl Scouts' highest awards
Junior Journey Activities

Explore Junior journey activities here!

The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting for Juniors will help you start a Bronze Award project. This project can be created independently, with your troop, or a team. Remember, your Troop Leader is always there to help as long as they’ve completed their Bronze Award Training (registration on LARC). Submit final paperwork before September 30 of your 6th grade year to earn your Bronze award.

For more information about the Bronze Award, visit our Bronze Award page under High Awards.