Background: ICT includes things like smart phones or computers, items that help people connect with each other and learn about the world around them. International Girls in ICT Day encourages girls to consider careers in information and communication technology, a field which typically has more men than women. International Girls in ICT Day is held on the fourth Thursday of April.
As Girl Scouts, we celebrate International Girls in ICT Day because by developing an app or learning to code, girls can have a great career and make the world a better place through technology.
Activity: The three movie suggestions are all about an hour and a half to two hours long. You will probably want at least 40 minutes to discuss the movie with your friends or family afterwards as well, so plan on two to three hours for this activity.
You will need:
First, set up a time with your family, Girl Scout troop, or friends to watch the movie you choose. If you are in different places, there are a few internet browser extensions that will allow you to all watch the film together.
Of course, if you can’t access any of these movies, you can choose another one. Just make sure it is about girls and technology so that you are following the International Girls in ICT theme.
If you enjoyed the movie you watched, check out one of the other recommended films, or can you think of more movies that feature girls in information and communication technology?